Before and Afters 1/3

Due to popular demand I will be posting a before and afters of a select couple of my images that I feel I put the most effort into. The first one is of my beautiful Dark Pheonix edit. This one was the first shoot I I did on my trip to Calgary to shoot my thesis and was one of the last ones to get properly edited and barely managed to squeak into the video itself. Due to my own laziness I decided to just shoot the hair how it was and not really try to do anything fancy..... BIG MISTAKE! In the end I worked on recreating the hair for approximately three days.... Not fun.. That kind of took the wind out of my sails and I ended up leaving it to work on the other images until the very last minute.
The flames were also extremely difficult as I had no Idea how to do overlays at that point until one beautiful soul showed me how and saved my butt from another 8+ hours of editing. Any other questions about my editing process? Feel free to send me an email or leave a comment :)