Big news!

Second blog post of the week but it's for a good reason! As some of you know PPOC was this past weekend and I managed to pull myself together enough to enter two of (in my opinion) my best images from the past year(2016). As a no brainer I picked the Merida themed one as I have so far not created anything I am more giddy and proud of but as a second after much humming and hawing I chose my Derby girl image I shot with Tiffany Modele earlier in the year, there is something about it that makes me really happy and I feel it really holds up as whole piece.
Levels of this competition are rated Accepted, Merit, and Excellent and I managed to place a Merit with "Brave" and an Accepted with "Derby Girl". Needless to say I freaked out when I found out. I'v never entered my work in a competition and to get such an amazing response blew me away! Their comments were extremely exciting as well and gave me a couple good ideas on how to improve these images even more.
What is PPOC
"The Professional Photographers of Canada is a diversified group of creative artists dedicated to the highest standards in professional imaging. We welcome photographers of all genres to join our community of dedicated professionals. To qualify and support photographers to become industry leaders and to inform the public of the value in hiring an Accredited Professional Photographer."