Insert emotional title here

What a crazy two years. Honestly there were times where I didn't think I'd make it this far and times when I wanted to pack up and move to Peru, but now that I'm in sight of the end I find myself occasionally wishing it wouldn't end. I'v really met some incredible people and hope to hang onto those friendships and connections even as we go out and start our careers, I know even if we meet again as rivals in the future I will respect them and enjoy the opportunity.
I also couldn't say a big enough thank you to all my teachers, I know I wasn't exactly a model student but each of them were more than willing to kick my butt into gear when I needed it and pushed me to grow more than I thought possible. The opportunities I was exposed to helped drive me to develop skills and make connections that I wouldn't have been able to do on my own.
So now even though we're all going our separate ways I can't wait to start seeing everyones work start showing up in magazines, homes, blogs, competitions and more because we are a kick-ass class and capable of some incredible stuff.